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Meme_ladybugπŸ’« • 12 months ago

Big mom lost her memory πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚lol chopper’s reaction thou he was like: wtf did she just sayπŸ’€

Kami_Whis • 1 year ago

03:18 strarts , after intro, recap, title

Kurosaki Zengetsu • 8 months ago

Memory loss πŸ’€

Uchiha Madara • 5 months ago

Oh my God πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Saad Unravels • 1 year ago

Wow that was funny and shocking! little chopper momonosuke losing mind from Big Mom washing ashore! πŸ˜†
and she doesn't remember!?!? I was thinking maybe tama child will give her that cheek ball.... baby chopper and baby tama girl ninja battle was so cute!
and that was soo worrying for Robin!! glad she wasnt injured! 10:42 SHOCKED she finally flat-out called her bloombloom petals clone: "glad I used my Shadow Clone Jutsu!!!😱 She looked soo prettty and hot along with Kumurasaki! 😍 her multiiris blue eyes!!
3:59 "I'm not certain...but they havent licked us yet!" πŸ˜†

Kami_Whis • 1 year ago

I WAS hoping for the same, but it works only on beast n demi-beasts!